Flip Out: Artists’ Sketchbooks, an indepdent project by Brooke Frank at Girls’ Club Annex
Flip Out is an exhibition of sketchbooks from local artists highlighting the honesty and vulnerability of the unfettered ideas that materialize in the pages of artists sketchbooks, curated by recent and current fellows Mariela Acuna and Brooke Frank.
The exhibition is curated from local artists found in the Girls' Club history of collection artists and programming professionals, as a tribute to those who have helped support, engage and carry out Girls' Club mission.
Features artists include Jeanie Ambrosio, Amalia Caputo, Rosemarie Chiarlone, Jen Clay, Brooke Frank, AdrienneRose Gionta, Francie Bishop Good, Felice Grodin, Kandy Lopez, Jillian Mayer, Erica Mohan, Vickie Pierre, Kerry Phillips, Karen Rifas, Lisa Rockford, Sarah Michelle Rupert and others.
The freedom of expression that takes shape in the personal notes and stream of consciousness writings and drawings found in sketchbooks are integral to an artist’s practice. Sketchbooks speak to the future of their users and shed light on the infinite ways in which projects begin and manifest. By exhibiting sketchbooks, rather than finished work, we hope to encourage the consideration of artistic practice beyond its final products.
Finished work is the product of much more than the time and material spent producing it. It is preceded by a lifetime of thinking and drafting. More often than not, it’s difficult to communicate to an audience how much time creative work consumes before a project begins to take form.
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As Girls’ Club nears its 10 year anniversary, we would like to look back on some of the artists and creatives who have played a role in Girls’ Club programming and mission. It is our intention to use this exhibition not only to reflect upon the people who have helped Girls’ Club to contribute to the creative community, but to look to its future through the lens of their work.
- Mariela Acuna and Brooke Frank
Flip Out: Open Up, a collaborative sketchbook zine
Organized by Girls' Club Spring/Summer 2016 fellow Brooke Frank, Flip Out: Open Up is a collaborative zine made of pages and spreads from South Florida-based artists' sketchbooks. Focusing on the unique freedom of expression that takes shape in the personal notes and stream of consciousness drawings found in sketchbooks, Flip Out: Open Up, literally opens up the private world of over 20 South Florida-based artists' sketchbook and offers a small glimpse into their multi-faceted practices.
This zine was organized and designed by Brooke Frank from an open call for digital submissions in conjunction with the exhibition Flip Out: Artists Sketchbooks.
Featured zine artists include Amalia Mermingas, Amber Reed, Andrea Huffman, Ben Gorra, Diana Garcia, Ernesto Vargas, Glenda Puente, Isabel Gouveia, Janet Onofrey, John English, Khaulah Naima Nuruddin, Lauren Lightbody, Maria Soledad Jofre, Monica McGivern, Naomi Taher, Noah Levy, Marielle Plaisir, Rene Perez, Reni Jorge, Sebastian Bruno-Harris, Shannon Ellis, and Victoria Diaz.
Digital zine available here soon!
Open Call for Zine Submissions
Girls’ Club is seeking submissions for a collaborative zine project being produced in conjunction with the exhibition Flip Out: Artists’ Sketchbooks, on view June 30 - July 22, 2016 in the Girls’ Club Annex. The Flip Out Collaborative Zine is a part of the Independent Project of Girls’ Club’s current fellow, Brooke Frank. By focusing on sketchbooks, rather than finished work, the zine and the exhibition encourage the public to consider artistic practice beyond its products.
The open call for digital submissions seeks page spreads from the sketchbooks of artists, community members, and sketchbook enthusiasts abroad, to be featured in a collaborative zine, to be published in print and digital formats by Girls’ Club. The zine will highlight a more candid facet of artmaking, as well as cultivating connections between individual artists and the ideas that their sketchbooks contain.
Submission accepted through Submittable only. Please note, zine spread will be 8.5 x 11” in size, submissions subject to minor cropping.