Woman and Politics: Call for images for On the Issues Magazine
Linda Stein, Art Editor of On the Issues Magazine, is looking for artist images relating to Women and Politics for its next edition. If chosen, a click on your image will go directly to your web site.
On the Issues Magazine (OTI) is interested in receiving jpegs (150 dpi and 1200 pixels at longest side).
OTI now reaches 120,000 people internationally. If selected, your web site will appear when clicking on your art. See OntheIssuesMagazine.com
The Fall issue is devoted to the enduring and ongoing work that feminists and progressives must address and will still need to address, no matter the outcome of the presidential election.
The central question is: The day after the election, what will be the core challenges facing progressive feminists — no matter who’s elected?
Images must be legible for online viewing and stand alone without text. They will be used to go with essays about politics.
Send your information and 5-10 images (150 dpi and 1200 pixels on longest side) to [email protected].
On the Issues Magazine