Part Time Rhyme 2016
In honor of National Poetry Month, Girls’ Club invites the public to create original, rhyming poems inspired by artwork in Girls’ Club’s current exhibit, Self-Proliferation. Part zine, part collaborative web-project, Part Time Rhyme aims to connect the visual with the literary arts in a multi-disciplinary mash up of poetics and aesthetics
With a mission to inspire the hidden poet inside everyone...
we're inviting artists, students, writers, laymen and the creatively-uninclined to become part-time poets. To help activate the creative juices, Girls' Club offers its current exhibition of contemporary art as an inspirational tool.
The Part Time Rhyme project was launched in 2015 by graphic design intern Bailey Glazer.
How to be a Part-Time Poet
Once a week throughout the poetic month of April, two pieces from the current exhibit will be posted via this Facebook event page.
All are invited to comment or post an original, short poem using any rhyming scheme you wish. Please no free verse. Only original material and authored by its poster will be considered. By posting a poem, you are agreeing to allow Girls' Club to publish the work online and in print with proper credit.
'Like' your favorite poems and share with your friends!
At the end of the month, Girls' Club will publish a zine with favorite poems and disperse, for free, at the Miami Zine Fair and Girls' Club during the Last Saturday Artwalk in Fort Lauderdale; and at partnering locations around South Florida.
Partners in Rhyme
Find free copies of Part-Time Rhyme at partnering locations in Broward and Miami following April 30th.
Miami Zine Fair: the best and only annual zine fair in Miami, from Exile Book, O'Miami at HistoryMiami Museum.
Radio-Active Records: hands down our favorite record store, ever, here in Fort Lauderdale