On Loan: A Mother, Possibly at Orlando Museum of Art
On View: October 20, 2023 – May 5, 2024
A Mother, Possibly
at Orlando Museum of Art
This exhibition will bring together a group of eclectic artists whose works feature the representation of mothers, motherhood, or the possibility of motherhood and the notion of fertility. Throughout a plethora of mediums and across many time periods, from traditional painting, African art, Art from the Ancient Americas as well as contemporary art, the works in the exhibition will be a combination of OMA collection pieces, long-term loans as well as temporary loans from local collections. They will feature works by Alice Neel, Titus Kaphar, Louise Bourgeois, Nina Surel, Francie Bishop Good, Peggy Levison Nolan, the Cabal Collection of Ancient American earthenware, and many others..
More at omart.org/exhibitions/a_mother_possibly
Orlando Museum of Art
2416 Northr Mills Road, Orlando, FL