Full Sail in Fort Lauderdale Call to Artists
Full Sails in Fort Lauderdale invites artists currently living in South Florida to submit proposals for the Full Sails in Fort Lauderdale art in public places event. 100 fiberglass/resin sailboats will be featured starting in October 2012. This program will enhance the visibility of local artists, beautify the Fort Lauderdale business district and beyond, promote tourism and increase foot traffic to local businesses while building a sense of community in the Greater Fort Lauderdale area.
Local artists are sought and invited to create unique works of art using the fiberglass Full Sails in Fort Lauderdale forms as the canvas. The completed Sailboats will be displayed throughout the City of Fort Lauderdale. The sailboats will ultimately be auctioned to raise money to fund programs for the Fort Lauderdale Parks and Recreation Department, so that the department can expand efforts in promoting a thriving and healthy community. Whether art is a passion, a hobby or profession, this is a great opportunity to showcase artists’ talent and support the community’s efforts to promote public art. A high level of involvement is anticipated, so we encourage artists to submit proposals early. The following pages will provide you with information about becoming a participating artist in this wonderful Fort Lauderdale public art project. We hope you will join us for Full Sails in Fort Lauderdale.
Sailboat Dimensions & Stipend:
Sailboat – 5’H x 26”W x 42”D
Base – 2’H x 30”W x 4’D
Artist Stipend $500.00
Selected Artists Will Receive:
_ A $500.00 honorarium to cover materials and supplies.
_ Public display of their Sailboat creation with artist’s credit
_ A picture of the Sailboat, with a short artist’s bio on the Full Sails in Fort Lauderdale,
Website as well as printed map & guide.
_ Credit in publicity and promotion of Full Sails in Fort Lauderdale
Time Line:
_ All designs must be received for review and acceptance into design portfolio.
_ Accepted artists will be notified by telephone and mail.
_ Even if your design is not accepted initially, late sponsors may still choose your work!
_ Artists’ Design Submission Deadline ~ February 24, 2012
_ Sailboat Vernissage and Protfolio Party ~ March 2012 (date TBA)
_ Artist development period March 2012 ~ September 2012
_ Public Display of Sailboats ~ late October 2012
Artists will be notified of specific dates as information becomes available. Additional promotional events may be scheduled.
For more details visit: www.fullsailsinfortlauderdale.com