21 Days in Santa Fe, Carolyn Swiszcz & Wilson Webb, web project in conjunction with Girls’ Club exhibition Set to Manual
Carolyn Swiszcz & Wilson Webb
Video, Original Song by Carolyn Swiszcz, produced by Anonymous
Duration: 2 minutes 2 seconds
Courtesy of the artists
Carolyn Swiszcz’s paintings of mostly B-grade 1970’s architecture, from faded strip malls to corporate headquarters, have been exhibited widely. She recently began making videos as a way to produce art while watching her two-year-old daughter. This video about Santa Fe, which she calls “a meditation on death, weather, adobe, and “The City Different” was inspired by the death of her father and a visit to Santa Fe’s neglected James Turrell Skyspace. She is currently working on a song cycle about West St. Paul, where she lives with her husband and daughter. Seewww.carolynswiszcz.com for more info.